Good question. The halls in my area (Northeast Ohio) still haven't opened.
My Name is of No Consequence
JoinedPosts by My Name is of No Consequence
Any signs that Kingdom Halls will re-open soon or door to door work will re-start again?
by eyeslice ini've not heard anything from pimi wife about going back to the khs yet let alone the door to door work.. many churches round here have re-opened if only for private pray and i am guessing that things like singing may be a factor in the reluctance of the witnesses to get back together again.
i also detect that many older ones are still quite afraid to go anywhere they may come in contact with people, even for shopping.
on the other hand, here in uk you can now go to a football match with 70,000 others shouting and chanting.. the door to door work may a total different issue.
I have never been to Las Vegas.
by Iamallcool ini would like to visit las vegas one day.
if you have a choice, would you want to live there?
low humidity sounds good to me.
My Name is of No Consequence
My sister lives in one of the Las Vegas suburbs. Her and her family really like it.
Pale Red Dot
by ScottS injoined about the same time back in 2001 as minimus- we never agreed on very much at all, i was pro jw, and like most here, he was not.
his constant questions would somewhat annoy me, yet they were always here every time i remembered to check back on this site, there he was.. he was a constant.
an irritatingly constant.. what a loss tho.. wherever you are minimus, i wish you love and rest.. scooby..
My Name is of No Consequence
It won’t be the same around here. Every time I got on this forum, I always looked for a post from minimus. I didn’t always agree with his point of view, but I respected him for being a senior member here.
Big-time loss 😢
Those members who passed away
by Gorb inwho of those passed away jwd/jwn members, do we think of??.
oompah and the lady from australia, are there more??.
My Name is of No Consequence
FlyingHighNow passed away a few years ago.
Allegheny Pyramid Desecrated
by RolRod insometime within the last 2 weeks, someone took a sledgehammer to the pyramid monument in allegheny.
they stole the topstone, smashed the cross and crown emblem and removed the seal.. personally i'm surprised it lasted this long untouched.
although through the years russell's grave has been vandalized, it was always repaired by the bible students..
My Name is of No Consequence
It's interesting how quickly the society sprung into action to remove the pyramid. It was vandalized only 2 or 3 weeks ago. They couldn't wait to take it down.
No more Questions from MINIMUS
by was a new boy inminimus former jw, prolific poster on jwn died.. minimus.
joined 19 years ago.
started 4,139 topics.
My Name is of No Consequence
This is horrible news. I didn't always agree with his topics or point of view, but he was a senior poster on this forum and I respected him for that. It won't be the same here.
Damn :(
your last big assembly
by stan livedeath incan you remember the last big assembly you went to ?
by big--i mean bigger than a circuit job--so--district ?
whole country at a stadium thing.. my last one was old wembley stadium uk..about 1969 ?
My Name is of No Consequence
2017 Wolestein Center (f/k/a Cleveland State Convocation Center), Cleveland, Ohio.
I'm now turned off by this site
by purrpurr inin one form or another i've been a member of this site for almost 10 years.
in the past this was a great place for debate, news and support for ex jws.
i logged on several times a day and posted several times a week.
My Name is of No Consequence
There is at least one poster on here in particular that can be partially blamed.
Homless in Seattle raping and assulting people, the dems don't care.
by mickbobcat in
My Name is of No Consequence
The market sets the cost of real estate (and everything else). As long as people are willing to pay higher and higher prices for real estate, the cost will continue to skyrocket until there is a surplus of housing. Then the cost will stabilize and perhaps decrease. Wash, rinse repeat. It's not that difficult of a concept.
Any Old-Timers Remember this Kingdom Melody?
by Sea Breeze inwe used to sing a slow song in the late 60's and early 70's that went something like : "don't be afraid of them that can kill the body buy cannot kill the soul" .... or something like that.does anyone remember that one?.
My Name is of No Consequence
I believe the song was called: "Fear Them Not"?